Exhibit & Sponsorship Opportunities | SupportWorld Live

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Exhibit & Sponsorship Opportunities

Be Part of the Leading Event for Tech Support & Service Professionals May 18-22, 2025 in Las Vegas

Whether you are looking to build business relationships, demo new products, or position your brand as a leader in the global IT service and support community, SupportWorld Live is your ticket to connecting with industry decision-makers as they formulate critical purchasing decisions.

An audience of qualified professionals are eager to learn what you have to offer: the latest technologies, systems, and methodologies that can transform their day-to-day operations.

Download the sponsorship brochure to learn how you can be a part of the can’t-miss event for the ITSM community, and contact our team to reserve your booth.


Maximize Your ROI with Beyond-the-Booth Sponsorships

SupportWorld Live offers a range of marketing and promotional opportunities to amplify your messaging, boost your visibility and generate quality leads.


Speaking Opportunities

Present your own content, create deeper engagement, and broaden your reach by booking a 15 to 45-minute educational session, open to all attendees.

Conference Party

Lead Generation

Be the talk of the show as you feed off the energy of attendees with an exclusive Conference Party package that includes lead generation, branding, and optional add-ons.

Conference Bag

Branding & Promotion

Leverage our broad range of branding and promotional options to keep your company top of mind with attendees before, during, and after the event.

Special Prize Giveaway

Booth Traffic Drivers

Help drive additional foot traffic to your booth, ultimately resulting in more prospects to network and build long-term, profitable relationships with.


Meet Your Next Customer at SupportWorld Live

93% of our attendees are involved in purchasing decisions at their organization with 79% being Manager-level and above. Based on attendance at SupportWorld Live 2023, here’s who you can expect to engage with:

Attendee Snapshot


Exhibitors and Sponsors Love SupportWorld Live!

"We've had so many great connections, interactions, and meaningful conversation with the attendees. It's been a great conference." – Valerie Rivir, Senior Event Manager, SolarWinds

“Being here is really important for us because it exposes us to a lot more opportunities with new clients. It's very conducive to what we want to achieve with our sales goals. SWL is most certainly the premier event for us every year .” – Rick Mims, ServiceNow Solutions Director, SDI Presence

Expo Hall Hours

SupportWorld Live’s Expo Hall is the go-to place for attendees to discover innovative new companies and technologies — all while enjoying some fun, games, refreshments and networking.

Tuesday, May 20 | 5:00pm – 7:00pm

Wednesday, May 21 | 1:00pm – 3:30pm and 6:00pm – 7:00pm 

Thursday, May 22 | 1:00pm – 4:00pm

Note: Final times are subject to change.


Reach Our Audience Year Round

Each month, thousands of service and support professionals turn to HDI to learn more about the industry, grow their network, and improve satisfaction and employee engagement. These decision-makers rely on HDI as a trusted source of information and essential guidance needed to advance their teams, strategies, and business.

Download the Media Kit to explore an array of media tools and custom services to build an integrated program that suits your needs.

Explore Media Opportunities